The Children’s Garden

Leave the cares of adulthood behind and step into a little whimsical spot called the Children’s Garden. A true labor of love, this garden was designed to draw children and their parents into the wonder and joys of gardening. Children with their natural sense of wonder will be attracted to bright colors, structures that inspire their imagination, and a safe environment which offers fun things to do and see. 

Inspired by the author, Molly Dannenmaier, in her book, A Child’s Garden, plans for this garden were put to paper in 2000 by Master Gardeners Beth Spooner, Judy Dake and Kathy McIntyre. 

Take a stroll along the Yellow Brick Road in the Oz Garden, populated by oriental poppies and sunflowers. Then find the Alphabet Plant Bed where plants and stepping stones represent the letters of the alphabet. A large cement rabbit guards the entrance to a re-bar tunnel bordered with a variety of colorful blooming plants. Hide under the cascading limbs of a weeping fruitless mulberry tree, fenced off by whimsical cement child figurines. Rock roses and succulents are watered by an iron sculpture of a sun-bonneted girl. Gracing the center of the garden is a towering bamboo teepee, entwined by climbing beans and black-eyed susans. Ornamental grasses line the garden border where you can play on a stepping stone hopscotch.

A giant turtle stands next to a sand box area and a resting bench. A trellis supports sweet-smelling wisteria and honeysuckle. See what time it is by standing on the Human Sun Dial Clock! Beautiful handmade stepping stones of Roman numerals show the time of day. By standing on the cement footprints next to the month marker, the visitor can check the location of their shadow to tell the time of day. Flowers to be used in this garden are morning glories, sunflowers, thyme and four o’clocks.

Rebar art work was created by Master Gardener Bill Town, and the tortoise and the hare sculpted by Rusty Neilsen. Fred Alley created the child figurines.