The Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly Garden is directly adjacent to The Pavilion on the western side. This garden is one of the larger themed spaces within The Discovery Garden and it is split into several sections, each maintained by different MG Volunteers. The Butterfly Garden had its inception in 2001 by Chairperson Philece Humphrey, LaVerne Bailey, Patti Kowalski, Marianne Major, Barbara MacPherson, Kathy Brown, and Elaine Moriarty.

This garden is filled with vibrant colors and scented blooms that are meant to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, pollinators, and other beneficial insects. Stroll through the scented honeysuckle arch and view the different plantings of lilies, bachelor’s button, snapdragon, petunias, spirea, rudbeckia, succulents, blanket flower, columbine, butterfly bush, lilies, and asters. May through August is the most delightful time to visit the garden when all the flowers are at their stunning best.

Metal Artwork

Whimsical metal sculptures, crafted and donated by Bill Townsend, gambol between the flowers.

Designated Monarch Waystation

The Butterfly Garden is a registered and certified Monarch Waystation through The garden was added to the registry in 2015.

Butterfly Garden Spaces

Entrance Archway

Butterfly Garden honeysuckle archway

Enter The Butterfly Garden through the fragrant honeysuckle archway and enter a world of colors and textures.

Plant List

Scientific NameCommon Name
Centaurea montanaBatchelors Button
DianthusCheddar Pinks
Dianthus sppCarnations
Digiplexis ‘Illumination Flame’Foxglove
Echinacea PurpureaPurple Coneflower
Hemerocallis spp.Daylily
Leycesteria formosaHimalayan Honeysuckle
Lonicera japonicaJapanese Honeysuckle
Mondarda spp.Bee Balm
Phlox paniculataSummer Phlox
RudbeckiaBlack-eyed Susan
Compact Asters
Note: QR code labels accessible in this bed

Picnic Table Area

Sit within an exuberant garden bed of penstemon, snapdragons, and flowers of all shapes and sizes

Plant List

Scientific NameCommon NameOregon Native?
Deutzia gracvilisDeutzia ‘Nikko’No
Erythronium americanumYellow Trout LilyYes
Iris x germanicaTall Bearded IrisNo
Lagerstroemia indicaCrape MyrtleNo
Thymus longicaulisTurbo ThymeNo
FilipendulaQueen of the PrairieNo
Symphyotrichum ericoidesHeath AsterNo
Cotinus coggygriaSmoke TreeNo
Stachys macranthaStachys ‘Superba’No
Asclepsias tuberosaButterfly milkweedNo
Lilium auratumAsiatic LilyNo
AlceaAlcea HollyhockNo
Iberis sempivirensCandytuftNo
Syringa pubescensDwarf Lilac ‘Miss Kim’No
Fuchsia magellanicaFuchsia ‘Riccartonii’No
EchinaceaPurple ConeflowerNo
Anthyllis vulnerariaKidney VetchNo
Pieris japonicaPierisNo
GeumAvens ‘Alabama Slammer’No
Geum chiloenseAvens ‘Lady Strathedon’No
GeumAvens ‘Totally Tangerine’No
MonardaBee Balm’Cherry Pops’No
Origanium laevigatumOrnamental Oregano ‘Herrenhausen’No
Alium senescensOrnamental Onion ‘Blue Twister’No
Aster x frikartiiAster ‘Monch’No
Aster dumosumAster ‘Woods Pink’No
BuddleiaButterfly Bush ‘Buzz Velvet’No
Callicarpa americanaAmerican BeautyberryYes
Penstemom heterophyllusPenstemom ‘Electric Blue’No
Verbena x hybridaGarden VerbenaNo
Clethra ainifoliaClethra ‘Rosea’No
Leucanthemum x SuperbumShasta DaisyNo
Salvia greggiiSalvia ‘Heatwave Blaze’No
Salvia greggiiSalvia ‘Heatwave Glitter’No
Centranthus ruberRed Valerian ‘Jupiter’s Beard’Yes
Aruncus diociusGoat’s BeardNo
Lychnis coronariaRose CampionNo
Iris louisianaLouisiana IrisNo
Japanese Honeysuckle grows over the archway entrance of the Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Walk

Stroll through the stone walking path, under the shade of a smokebush and crepe myrtle.

Plant List

Scientific NameCommon Name
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack Eyed Susan ‘Cherokee Sunset’
LagerstroemiaCrepe Myrtle ‘Pink’

Gravel Garden

Verbena and Dianthus in the gravel garden of the Butterfly Garden

The Gravel Garden was created in 2014 and features low-growing, drought tolerant plants with small flowers that attract lots of species of butterflies and moths.

Plant List

Scientific NameCommon Name
Liriope muscariLilyturf/Monkey Grass
Sedum rupestreStonecrop ‘Angelina’
Verbena hybridaGarden Verbena

Butterfly Bench

Butterfly Bench in June 2024
The butterfly bench in June 2024 photo by Geoff Puryear

Perhaps one of the most photographed spots in The Discovery Garden, this area features a yellow bench in the shape of a butterfly.

Milkweed Bed

As you walk along through the butterfly garden, you’ll notice the long bed featuring milkweed and other Oregon Native Plants. Although Monarch butterflies are not frequent visitors to Douglas County, this bed is specifically planted with native plants known to attract a variety of local butterflies, nectar-feeding moths, bumblebees, and other pollinator insects.

Plant List

Scientific NameCommon NameOregon Native
Achillea millefoliumCommon YarrowYes
Achillea millefolium ‘Cerise Queen’Yarrow ‘Cerise Queen’No
Achillea millefolium ‘Moonlight’Yarrow ‘Moonlight’No
Achillea millefolium ‘Paprika’Yarrow ‘Paprika’No
Anaphalis margaritaceaPearly EverlastingYes
Aquilegia canadenisWestern ColumbineYes
Asclepias speciosaShowy MilkweedYes
Borago officinalisBorageNo
Buddleja sterile cultivarButterfly Bush ‘Purple Haze’No
Carex tumulicolaFoothill SedgeYes
Ceanothus thyrsiflorusBlue Blossom CeanothusYes
Centranthus ruberJupiter’s BeardNo
Digitalis purpureaCommon FoxgloveNo
Eriophyllum lanatumOregon Sunshine-Wooly SunflowerYes
Erythranthe cardinalis Douglas ex Benth. SpachCardinal MonkeyflowerYes
Gaillardia aristataBlanket FlowerYes
Holodiscus discolorOceansprayYes
Iris tenaxOregon IrisYes
Koeleria macranthaPrairie June GrassYes
Lobularia maritimaSweet AlyssumNo
Ribes sanguineumRed-Flowering CurrantYes
Salvia microphyllaSalvia ‘Hot Lips’ cultivarNo
Hylotelephium specatabilisStonecrop ‘Autumn Joy’No
Sidalcea cusickiiCusick’s CheckermallowYes
Sisyrinchium californicumGolden-Eyed GrassYes
Solidago canadensisGoldenrodYes
Symphyotrichum subspicatumDouglas AsterYes
Tellima grandifloraFringecupYes
Valeriana officinalisValerian “All-heal”No

Log House

The butterfly log house was constructed by Philece Humphrey and allows dark, cool places for butterflies to rest.

Western Front

At the most western edge of The Butterfly Garden, plants that thrive in sunny conditions are used. Fall Asters fill the reused fiberglass tubes, and Hylotelephium ‘Autumn Joy’ creates a border between The Butterfly Garden and The Xeriscape Garden. MG Volunteer Fred Alley maintains this space along with the lawn that borders this area to the south.

Scientific NameCommon Name
Hylotelephium spectabileStonecrop ‘Autumn Joy’
Symphyotrichum novae-angliaeNew England Fall Asters