The Discovery Garden

The main entry gate located in the parking area, photo by Geoff Puryear

To interest, inspire, and educate the public 

The Discovery Garden is open year round for both self-guided tours and educational tours guided by Master Gardener™ Volunteers. The Master Gardeners have developed this garden for community use and enjoyment. Our goal is to enhance and preserve the beauty and quality of the environment by using sustainable gardening practices. The Garden and Pavilion are used for instruction and demonstrations on various aspects of gardening. 

For school children and gardeners of any age, this living classroom demonstrates many aspects of home gardening in Douglas County. 

The Garden is designed to show the benefits of a variety of ecologically sound management practices including

  • proper irrigation including a rainwater collection system that is a part of our drip irrigation design
  • use of mulch to suppress weeds and control evaporation
  • water-wise (xeric) plant selection
  • pruning
  • composting 

The public is invited to our outdoor classes throughout the year.

The Pavilion Series is a line-up of free gardening workshops for the home gardener, hosted by the OSU Extension Service Douglas County Master Gardener Program in collaboration with the Douglas County Master Gardener Association.

Located in the Pavilion at the Discovery Garden.

See full details at the OSU Extension Service website.

The Oregon State University Extension Service Douglas County Agricultural Learning Center

The Agricultural Learning Center or ALC is a conglomeration of facilities overseen by the Oregon State University Douglas County Extension Service in collaboration with the county government and parks department. The ALC is directly adjacent to and bordered by River Forks County Park in Roseburg, Or. The ALC is split into many parts and managed mostly by Master Gardener volunteers. The ALC is also home to research plots for OSU Extension Faculty.

Master Gardener Programs at the ALC