
Ask A Master Gardener – Edible Flowers

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Ask A Master Gardener – Edible Flowers

Published in the News-Review on January 24, 2025

By: Mackenzi Hall

“Edible Flower Gardens”

Question: Currently, I have a few landscaped flower beds in my front yard and a decently sized

raised garden in my backyard. I recently learned that there are a wide variety of flowers you can

grow in your garden that are not only beautiful, but also edible. I’d love to expand what I am growing, but I am unsure where to get started and what flowers will thrive in our climate?

Answer: As gardening enthusiasts seek to diversify their landscapes, edible flower gardens have emerged as a fun new trend. These gardens not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of outdoor spaces, but also provide a bounty of colorful, nutritious additions to our meals. Beyond their visual allure, edible flowers are packed with health benefits and can transform simple dishes into exciting culinary experiences.

Why Choose Edible Flowers?

Edible flowers offer a unique way to incorporate beauty into the garden and nutrition to our plates. They can enhance flavor profiles, add vibrant colors to dishes, and provide us with antioxidants and vitamins. Many edible flowers have medicinal properties as well. From nasturtiums with their peppery taste to pansies with a subtle sweetness, these blooms can be used in many cuisines.

Getting Started with Your Edible Flower Garden

1. Choose the right location:  Selecting a sunny spot for your edible flower garden is crucial as

most edible flowers thrive in full sunlight. This will most likely be where your current garden is

anyway, so an easy option would be to create another garden bed. You will need to aim for at least 6 hours of sun per day to ensure healthy blooming and optimal flavor. Additionally, ensure the soil is well-drained and enriched with organic matter to provide necessary nutrients.

2. Selecting edible flowers: There’s a plethora of options to choose from when it comes to edible

flowers, but here are a few popular picks for our area: 

  • Nasturtiums: These vibrant flowers come in various colors and have a zesty flavor, making them perfect for salads and garnishes. 
  • Calendula: Often referred to as pot marigold, this flower adds a pop of orange or yellow to dishes and has a slightly spicy taste. 
  • Chive blossoms: Chive flowers add a mild onion flavor to salads and dressings.
  • Borage: With beautiful star-shaped blue flowers, borage has a refreshing cucumber-like taste.
  • Pansies and violas: These delicate blooms are probably the most common of the edible flower

world. They provide a mild flavor and can be used as eye-catching garnishes.

3. Planting and care: When planting your edible flowers, follow the specific guidelines for each type. Some may require direct sowing, while others might be best started indoors or purchased as seedlings. Regular watering, mulching, and organic fertilizer can help promote healthy growth. It’s also essential to keep an eye out for pests, but many flowers can deter harmful insects naturally!

4. Harvesting and usage: The best time to harvest edible flowers is in the morning after dew has

dried. Gently pluck the blooms and use them quickly for the best flavor and appearance. Incorporating them into your meals is simple – you can add them to salads, freeze them in ice cubes for refreshing drinks, or use them to decorate cakes and pastries. While most flowers are safe to eat, it’s important to correctly identify species before consumption. Avoid flowers from florists or nurseries that may contain harmful chemicals, and always wash blooms thoroughly before use. If you’re unsure about a flower’s edibility, consult a reliable source or expert.

By growing edible flower gardens, gardeners can elevate their meals while also creating a vibrant addition to their backyard. Whether used in flavorful dishes, vibrant cocktails, or simply as stunning garden ornaments, edible flowers are a wonderful way to embrace creativity in the kitchen and respect the beauty of nature.

Do you have a gardening or insect question? Contact the Douglas County Master Gardeners at or 541-672-4461 or visit 1134 SE Douglas Ave., Roseburg. Douglas County Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who help the OSU Extension Service serve the people of Douglas County.