Celebrating 40 Years of Service

What is a Master Gardener™?

Asiatic lilies and Penstemon 'Sour Grapes' in the Discovery Garden, photo by Geoff Puryear

Volunteer Powered


Our gardening advice and education is science-based.


Call, e-mail, or visit us at our Plant Clinic, community markets, and at the Discovery Garden.


We offer customized information for your gardening situation.

Wastewater is used to flood this bed in the Discovery Garden, photo by Geoff Puryear

Sustainability Focused

Sustainable Garden Design

Gardens should be more fun and less work: Choosing the right plants and making good long-term design choices.

Integrated Pest Management

Using chemicals only when necessary: Finding solutions to the problem not just treating the symptoms.

Sustainable Maintenance

From lawn alternatives to naturalistic pruning: we use and teach research-based methods of sustainable gardening maintenance.

Scabiosa in the Discovery Garden, photo by Geoff Puryear

Involved in the Community

Education & Outreach

Our Plant Clinic and dedicated outreach volunteers educate the public through direct one-on-one consultation, group presentations, and weekly publications.

Specimen Identification

Our volunteers help to identify plants, insects, pests, and diseases for the home gardeners of Douglas County.

Food Donation

Our Victory Garden program donates hundreds of pounds of food annually to the local Feeding Umpqua program enhancing our local food systems.

Statewide MG Program Priorities

  • Sustainable Gardening Skills
  • Plant and Insect Identification
  • Local Food
  • Native Species
  • Cultural connection
  • Adaptive and accessible gardening
  • Climate Change
  • Soil Health

DCMGA 2023 Impact on the Community

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Active Master Gardener Volunteers

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Volunteer Hours Recorded

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lbs. of produce donated

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people reached through direct education

Douglas County Master Gardener™ Powered Programs

  • Research-based, science-backed one-on-one information for local community members (non-commercial)
  • Open regularly 1pm-4pm
  • Plant Clinic Schedule
  • Open to the public daily dawn to dusk
  • Display garden of over 600 unique hardy perennials that perform well in our climate.
  • Regular workshops and events held for the public.
  • Take a digital tour of the garden.
  • Soil testing services for the home gardener.
  • Analysis of the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) levels of the soil.
  • Includes pH Reading, along with supporting literature on what to do with the results.
  • $15 Per Sample.
  • Learn more about our soil testing program.
  • We host the annual Plant & Garden Expo at the Douglas County Fairgrounds the first Saturday in May. Our volunteers grow thousands of plants to stock the expo. Proceeds from the Expo provide the majority of the funds for our program.
  • We hold an annual “Trash to Treasures” rummage sale with items donated from our members and the community.
  • Learn more about our fundraising efforts and how you can donate.

Join the DCMGA

Prospective volunteers are required to complete the Master Gardener™ Training course, facilitated by experienced volunteers in coordination with the OSU Extension Service.

The course includes a complete review of Sustainable Gardening: The Oregon–Washington Master Gardener Handbook. In the 10-week course (September-November), students receive up-to-date education and hands-on learning from OSU Faculty and local gardening experts.

After completing their initial training, students become volunteers and they are able to give their time through our many community outreach programs including The Plant Clinic and The Discovery Garden.

Contact the OSU Douglas County Extension Office for class registration information

Become a Master Gardener™